March Supply of the Month: Make a Kite!

Making Amazing Kites with Recycled Paper!

If you were at the Zilker Kite Festival this past Sunday, you won’t be surprised that March is kite month! To celebrate our Supply of the Month for March is a donation we received of colorful paper and cardstock from marketing materials that were going to be recycled or thrown out, but can be transformed into beautiful paper kites. Check out these resources for making paper kites with your students, and pick up some recycled paper from the Supply of the Month bin for your class projects!

Here is a really simple paper kite craft with easy to follow instructions!

Here is another example of a beautiful paper kite craft from Creative Jewish Mom:

Here are some really funky kites made from paper sacks!

Check out these gorgeous examples of kites made from grocery sacks from the quarterly magazine Rhythm of the Home:

Thanks to Corinna for sharing!