Tag Archives: light

30 Days to Transform Play


How can we tap into children’s natural sense of wonder and curiosity and encourage deeper learning experiences and inspiring play spaces?

This series of suggestions and photographs, inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach, shares how:


Make a Pinhole Camera or Camera Obscura

Looking for a fun project to do with students exploring light, photography, projection, filmmaking, etc.?  Try making a pinhole camera or turning a space into a camera obscura.

Here are some links where you can learn to make different kinds of Cameras Obscura or Pinhole Cameras:

1. Paintcan Camera: http://www.paintcancamera.com/cameraobscura.html

2. The Creators Project:  http://thecreatorsproject.vice.com/blog/make-your-own-camera-obscura-instructables-how-to


3. Spoonful: http://spoonful.com/crafts/how-make-camera-obscura

4. Howcast: http://www.howcast.com/videos/387145-How-to-Transform-a-Room-into-a-Camera-Obscura

5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Izhi5kW_o8